School of Arts And Design:: The University of Jordan ::

  School of Arts And Design - Department of Theater Arts

Department Strategy


Theatre Arts department at College of Arts and Design constitutes part and parcel of the college's cultural, artists, aesthetics, and artistic entities. Theatre Arts department is a cultural and creative site that operates within the vision that pushes for development and openness on both Arab and international levels. The course plan in the department goes hand in hand with curricula agenda within the University of Jordan to form a clear philosophy based on social, historical, and cultural contexts; at the same time, this philosophy is based on interpreting international creativity, theories, arts..etc. This will help our students to be in touch with theatre arts in its multi forms so that they will get to know theatre in its basic and advanced forms (awareness, understanding, memory, imagination, communication, …etc) Theatre department achieves this goal by having an academically/artistically qualified faculty members, theatre facilities, and a library full of books, references, and DVDs. Theatre department encourages students to participate in artistic experiments on local, Arab, and international level so that they will foster their self/communal awareness. The department also hosts local and international artists to lead workshops in different form of theatre arts.


The vision of theater arts department at the faculty of arts and design will raise the level of culture, knowledge, beauty and art in the local community.


The department of theater arts at the faculty of arts and design aims to raise the cultural level of the graduates, through:
1- Encourage students to engage in artistic experiences to develop collective and self-awareness through the participating in local, Arab and international cultural and artistic events.
2- Host theatrical workshops with international experts.
3- Hosting theatre performances.